Coyprighted material of C.H. Green


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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

For Linda— 

His Spirit in her honors His name-- 
She lights the temple with the flame. 
Selfless and smiling—that sweet Swedish smile 
That beckons you in to sit for a while. 
 She lifts heavy hearts, she comforts, she prays.
She teaches His servants the Master’s ways. 
And when her shepherd takes Christ overseas,
 The faithful wife then falls on her knees. 
 She prays for his safety, for souls to be won,
 As she is home doing what needs to be done. 
She’s a leader, a mother, a friend, and his wife,
Anointed by God to bring hope and bring life.
 Heaven sees her a warrior, brave, tall, and true. 
And to think, she’s just “Sister Linda” to you.

 (With love from C.H.Green@2011)

1 comment:

Paula said...

Loved this poem. I hope Sister Linda receives it deeply into her heart.

Thank you for your kind words on my blog!